Improve usability
Increase subscriptions
Decrease major sport’s off-season cancellations
Iteratively design and release features
Introduce Streamotion branding to users
Kayo was globally recognised with the ‘Best User Experience Award’ at the SportsPro’s OTT Awards in Madrid, November 2019.
Kayo subscriptions grew 162%, from 382,000 to over 1 million.
We successfully released four features and a new device platform.
We successfully redesigned the checkout experience for all platforms and operating systems.
In May 2020, Kayo introduced a Freemium model (limited content in front of the paywall) to:
Let non-paying users sample the product and drive subscriptions.
Make it easier for cost-conscious fans to join.
Keep fans engaged, even during their favourite sport’s off-season.
Boost revenue through advertising.
Encourage regular use of the service.
Create a Freemium experience that clearly communicates:
What content is free and what isn’t.
Why returning lapsed or churned subscribers are now seeing some free content.
That when users cancel their subscription, they keep a Freemium account.
Ensure the re-subscription process is easy and intuitive for former subscribers.
We designed 5 new user journeys and made some UX improvements to the:
Offer page
Hero tiles
Content tiles
We tested different versions of the copy in CTAs to make sure users knew what they were entitled to. We also introduced a marketing hero to add more context.
We added tags to content tiles to show users what content they could access and to alert churned and lapsed users if their subscriptions had expired.
We added intercept modals at various points to help users understand their current subscription status and to ensure legal compliance.
User research
We user tested with 20 participants using 3 high-fidelity prototypes to explore 4 different flows.
For new customer journeys, we recruited participants from Askable.com who fit a specific demographic.
For lapsed and churned customer journeys, we tested with current or former Kayo customers.
Churned user customer journey prototype used during testing.
Summarised flow for a churned user
Usability tests included:
Scripted tasks and questions
A/B testing
Some variations of the Home page CTAs that were A/B tested.
Some variations of the new user intercept modals that were A/B tested.
Some variations of the lapsed and churned user intercept modals that were A/B tested.
Of participants understood Kayo had free content, 70% of them got it within 30 seconds.
Of participants could articulate the difference between a Freemium account and a paid account after sign up.
Of participants agreed on the Home page CTA variation they preferred.
Participants didn’t initially notice the Free / Locked icons on content tiles but they eventually saw them.